Issues with Order

“Please inspect your order carefully, we will not be responsible for damaged/missing item(s) once the order is CONFIRMED with a signature.  A 50% restocking fee applies for item(s) returned within 15 days from purchase. No refund/exchange is allowed after 15 days. Disposable and consumable items are excluded from being refunded/exchanged at all. ”



Please note: if your order has been transferred to processing it cannot be canceled. Once an order has shipped, it will be considered a fulfilled order and cannot be canceled.

There are times where we will ship large orders by LTL and customers will need to make sure to verify receiving quantity, any missing unit will need to be noted on the bill of landing or email us immediately with photo images of the received goods, otherwise, we will not be responsible for the missing products.

If the order was unable to deliver by the carrier, please contact us in a timely matter (15 days of ordering), fail to do so will result in a $300 return shipping + 10% restocking fee deducted from the refund.

If an item is out of stock, you will be notified and refunded for the item(s) and the shipping costs for said item(s). Please note: All refunds/including Cancel Orders will be credited to your original form of payment. We'll credit your account within 10-14 business days. Your refund should reflect on your next statement, depending on the issuing bank and/or billing cycle.