Wafer Straws & Wafer Sticks

Wafer Sticks & Rolls

Looking to add something that your customers will enjoy?

Want your customers to keep coming back for more?

We have the solution for you!  Wafer Sticks and Wafer Rolls are a customer favorite.  This creates an amusing experience for both kids and adults.  

Add Wafer Rolls to your store today, these are commonly found in premium beverages, with coffees, or served with a tasty dessert!

Wafer Straws for sweet drinks

Want to make your customers smile?

Of course you do!  Wafer straws keep customers smiling, maybe it's the sweet tasty, maybe it's the novelty, but children and adults love them!  Plus, it's sure to add to your stores bottomline.  Have a question?  Pick up the phone and speak with a friendly specialist today at 310-988-2144.

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